Wednesday 20 April 2011

NoToMob Saville Row Sting

The bikers from the group NoToMob have succeeded in exposing the illegal signage at the junction of Saville Row and Conduit Street in the city of London. The signage was a blue arrow informing the driver that they can only turn left onto Conduit Street, and knowing full well many motorists were either choosing to ignore it, or were simply not seeing it, Westminster Council sent one of their CCTV cars. The CCTV car would sit near the junction, with their periscope style camera pointing toward the junction, and they would cash in on a massive scale. However, as part of the ongoing scheme by the NoToMob crew to assist Westminster Council in making sure drivers adhered to the highway code, they discovered that the signage was in fact illegal, as firstly it was partially obstructed by a shop sign, and secondly, was placed at a distance that gave proper warning before, or by the time, the driver arrived at the junction.

I have been to the junction myself about 3 times in the last month to have a go at assisting myself, but each time there was no car. This is because the NoToMob crew have exposed the poor signage, so Westminster is currently finding it unenforceable.

1 comment:

  1. I have recently received a contravention ticket at the Junnction of Savile Row and conduit street for allegedly failing to obey the turn left sign.
    as mentioned above the sign is partially obstructed by another sign.
    There is now a fixed dome camera from my observation,but there are no indication that motorist are under surveliance or Camera signs,which i'm sure is a legistrtive requirement.
    I'm also sure that the number of signs are incorrect and on the above grounds i shall be appealing the ticket1
