Saturday 5 March 2011

My first time $schunting CCTV cars

The first hot spot I drove past using the location finder on Google maps, I spotted one of the CCTV cars. It was the cleverly positioned one that watched for banned lefts from Wentworth St south into Commercial St, and banned right turns from the other side. At first I didn’t know what I should do, and started to panic when I saw cars approaching, and was worried that I’d miss a few; my conscious wouldn’t be able to take that. I found a spot to park, then headed to the corner to keep an eye, still not knowing how to warn drivers before it was too late. It soon became apparent that no drivers were turning south from the eastern section, I mean why would they, as they would have just driven around in a circle. I found this out the hard way by missing a driver coming from the western section, who didn’t indicate, he just turned. I sort of leapt into the road as a reflex, but he just sort of hesitated, then carried on, wondering what on earth I was doing. So far I had watched £60 being flushed down the drain. Within the next 15 minutes however, I saved 3 cars, all who indicated right, which obviously gave me warning to approach them. They all understandably looked at me as if I was a psychopath, but when I pointed to the car, clear as day in front of them, looking like a shuttle craft from Star Trek, the smile beamed from their faces. I took great delight in informing them “I just saved you £60”; this won’t be the last time I do this for sure. The first driver I told said he just saw the driver of the CCTV indicate for him to go south, so this had me questioning myself, and had to take a few steps back to make sure I was reading the restriction properly. I had, and I told the driver to reverse a few feet and check for himself; I got another little flash from him as he passed after doing a u-turn. That CCTV car driver was a cheeky blighter indeed, it was suppose to be prevention, but he was clearly wanting them to fall into his web. The second car didn’t put his window down at all, so I had to rely on my voice being loud enough for him to hear me, and to see the car I was pointing at. I made sure I had my camera and taxi badge around my neck, as I thought this might add to my authenticity of not being a nutter (much! haha). I had stupidly gone out without a hat and gloves, and I was also starving, but that corner of London provided everything I needed. Firstly there was a luggage shop, which also sold hats and gloves - £3 each!! And then I got a chicken wrap from the corner cafĂ©. By this time the car had performed a 3 point turn and legged it – now I knew the immense satisfaction the NoToMob crew must feel on a daily basis.

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