Monday 5 October 2009

My review of the film 'The Invention Of Lying' by and staring Ricky Gervais

It was off to watch ‘The Invention Of Lying’ today, which wasn’t something I particularly wanted to see, but there wasn’t much else. I thought I would give it a try as I remember something Ricky Gervais said when questioned by Jonathan Ross a while ago, about the quality and success of his previous films. He had only played minor roles in these films, and that when he chose a film to star in, it would be a different matter. Well, the film completely took me by surprise, even though I went in there half expecting it to be a rip off of ‘Liar Liar’; Far from it. I will say that there has to be a complete suspension of disbelief, as there are many events/inventions/designs that simply wouldn’t have happened in a world without lying. Also the film is about not telling lies, but much of the film is people offering information that they simply didn’t need to. Another thing that got on my nerves a bit, but maybe part of the reason it got financed, was the blatant product placement by Budweiser, Coke, Pepsi, and most blatantly of all Pizza Hut – could those pizza boxes have been anymore waved in our faces. Other than that it was well written and presented, and didn’t attempt go too far with the religious connotations.

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