Monday 5 October 2009

London Black Taxi Cab TX5 rumour

Question put to me by SuperKojak2009 (Youtube user)

Hi, Before I ask my question I must say I think your videos are excellent and very true. I hold a Green badge and have been driving for 26 years. Rumors spread like hot cakes in this trade. I need to purchase a new cab, I have until February to do it. I am not keen on the Vito and agree with everything you described on your video.
I have also driven the Vito and was not taken by it even though it was a lovely drive.
OK.-- Please do you know if LTI are bringing out a TX5? or upgrading the TX4? I do not want to by a TX4 if LTI a bringing out a new or upgraded cab. I have heard a Nissan engine will be used? I thought who better to ask, as you seam to be in 'The Know '
Any help please?

Stormcab's reply

I have have not heard anything about this at all. I am in contact with about 60 other black cab drivers on Twitter, who are on there because there are the most tech savvie cabbies out there, and I have not heard a peep out of them about a TX5. I bought my second TX4 in December 2008, and apart from a few niggles that I had sorted this week, it is fantastic. The problem is that anyone else who has had issues with their TX4 will have something less nice to say about it. I always say that if anyone has the right to moan about the TX4 it would be me, especially after I had several breakdowns within the first year with my first TX4, and finally loosing it altogether in a fire. The problem is that the TX4 is a good cab, if it is screwed together properly, I haven't heard anyone moaning about the engine, the problems are in other places - radiators/turbo pipes/electronic engine management - which will go wrong in any car if it isn't put together properly. So the TX5, if there is going to be such a cab, might have the much sought after Nissan engine, but it's the rest of the cab we have to worry about. If this cab has a different engine, it will most definitely have a different radiator, therefore a different grill design, so after 3 years of the TX4 being out, and the engineers finally getting their acts together and dealing with the common problems, they will have to start over again with any new cab that comes out. My example is the Mercedes London Taxi - I drove my rented one, brand new, out of the dealership, and within days had issues with the doors sticking, the rear wheel steering system refusing to work at times, and the parking sensor having an attitude problem (and those were the mechanical issues aside from my niggles about the overall design of where everything else was). I have spoken to a driver who said his friend had a Merc and that it was the worst decision he had ever made, and I spoke to a TX4 owner 2 weeks before buying my second one, who told me his TX4 was the best cab he'd ever owned. It baffles me that in the LTDA magazine the Mole in the Merc has only met other Merc drivers that love it, I sense conspiracy. I sure as hell didn't understand this fuel saving issue either - I put £20 of diesel in my cab when I fill up, and when I had the Merc I was filling up at the same intervals? The only conclusion I can come to here is that maybe it's drivers who live far from London and have to drive in, so the Mercedes is better on the run??

SuperKojak2009 response

Hi Thanks so much for your reply. I agree again with all you say. I deff will NOT by a Vito. I have up until end of Feb to bye a new cab. I am sticking with LTI. I called into M7O's last week and they assured me the problems with the Radiator and the problems with hot air coming out of the vents has been sorted. I hope this is so, and not sales pitch.

Keep me informed please if you hear anything happening. I'll keep watching you videos, and may even see you out on the Streets of London. ( I work nights )
Thanks again
Be Lucky.

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