Sunday 5 April 2009

London Black Taxi Cab Diaries no 3

A surprise was picking up Dave Berry on Berkeley Street. He flagged another cab down but l recognized him just in time to catch him. It was easy to see why he had done so well in the entertainment Industry; he was such a nice guy. He went to the same sixth form college as I did, then a couple of years later would drink at the pub I worked in. During the next couple of years I would pick him up a few times as a minicab driver, just as he was starting out his now successful career. I had recently sent him an email at XFM where he is a DJ, and he responded within a couple of days. He remembered from my email that I got married and asked me how I met my wife; and I asked whether it was true that he was dating a Sugababe, he was, for the last 5 years. I told him about my video editing hobby and that I would be making a movie for Comic Relief-

Just before we reached his destination he asked me 'are you not charging me? (the meter wasn't on) I said 'old times mate'. But then when he got out he handed me a £20 note and told me to put it towards my Red Nose Day donations. I also got a photo-

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