Tuesday 29 June 2010

My review of 'The Killer Inside Me'

The scene where the prostitute gets beaten up wasn’t as bad as I was worried it would be; although it was pretty uncomfortable. The cinema only had about 6-7 people in it, and up until that point there hadn’t been any noise or sounds. As the beating progressed I felt the uncomfortable air now present in the theatre, and there were little noises here and there, such as audible groans and what sounded like shuffling in seats. I can only imagine that not everyone reads or listens to reviews like I do, so I knew this particular scene was the main talking point between all the reviewers. Some of these people probably thought it was just going to be a dark thriller, and didn’t count on the multiple sex scenes and a whole new level of graphic violence. Although I am still unsure about the violence, I felt the amount of sex didn’t add anything to the film; he didn’t do anything different each time he had sex, therefore a lot of it could have been much shorter, or simply just left on the cutting room floor. It was definitely not the usual portrayal of a psychotic, basically where they have cast someone who obviously has the presence that fits the bill such as ‘Kevin Spacey’ or ‘Anthony Perkins’. As soon as Casey Affleck appears I thought ‘they have miscast him here, how is he going to be a believable killer?’. When he was with the two women he appeared to be very loving and kind, so when the violence starts, it completely takes me by surprise. The other thing I liked about the film was that the rest of Casey’s character was both written and acted well. When someone is trying to get away with a crime they always sound a bit edgy or uncomfortable, but because of the psychotic nature of this character, you would assume that their mind is very different, that they would react very well under pressure and tough questioning; which he does. Also, the good thing about having it set so far back, meant that you believed he could get away with it for as long as he did, that if it was today, the forensic evidence against him would have been overwhelming. The other controversial subject (although still in the same area) is the sexual violence that all the women in the character’s life enjoy. I don’t get it myself, but I have been told many times by “people” that this sort of thing does go on, and there are women and men who do get off on it; knock yourself out (not literally of course).

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