Thursday 5 November 2009

Knowledge Boy's story of Sat Nav

This was emailed to me today-

I’m on the K just waiting for my second ever 56th .......I saw your sat nav v knowledge videos on the Anderson shelter and just wanted to say I thought they are brilliant. I also wanted to let you know of a absolutely true story that happened to a mate at my work. Keep in mind this is not a myth, folklore, hearsay or anything else. This is cast iron and stonewall sure straight from the horse’s mouth.

My work colleague calls a minicab to our call centre at Pratt walk, SE1 and ask to be taken to London Zoo. The driver barely speaks at all, let alone English but insist on the full post code. My friend has neither postcode or address of this rather main tourist attraction and explains “you got to know where the zoo is, inside the park with lots of animals”.

The driver mumbles under his breath but appears to have got a response from the sat nav and takes off. Strangely he drives Juxon street and then turns right on Vauxhall walk. From there he works his way down to Black Prince Road and even weirder turns left onto Albert Embankment. He then goes around the gyratory by Vauxhall, over Vauxhall bridge, past Victoria station, Hyde park corner, Park Lane and proudly stops on the right next to the central reservation on Park Lane and points to the “Animals at war”-monument and asks for, brace yourself, £ 22.

Needless to say my friend gets out and refuses to pay and, surprise, flag down and London taxi to find regents park!

Keep up the good work

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