Saturday 24 January 2009

Taxis in Thailand

The taxis in Bangkok have meters, but if you do not pick them up from a rank or hotel, they will quote you a price (which is generally 3 times what the meter would say). If you ask for the meter to be put on you will always get some resistance, so a trick is to go into a hotel and ask them to call one over and tell them to put the meter on.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you back, any chance you can get in touch with John the cabby Kennedy?
    If you dont have his email address you can send one to and I will pass it on.
    I have used some of your content (couple of your videos, 1 Merc review, 1 about the westminster smart car). I did try to contact you through youtube but you were probably away on your holiday. Hope you dont mind, I will take them down if you wish.
    What do you think of the blogs and how do you feel about what john is putting together?
    We would value your comment.
